Internet & law
Unblocking the site, domain name

Repeal of site/domain name blocking in Russia (Roskomnadzor, public prosecution, court)

According to Art.15.1 of Federal law no. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On information, informational technologies and the protection of information” for the purpose of restricting access to the Internet sites/domain name containing information whose dissemination in the Russian Federation is prohibited, the comprehensive automated information system "The Comprehensive Register of Domain Names, Indications of Site Pages on the Internet and Network Addresses Enabling to Identify the Sites on the Internet Whose Dissemination in the Russian Federation Is Prohibited" shall be created (hereinafter referred to as the register).

The following shall be included in the register:

1) domain names and/or indications of site pages in the Internet network containing information whose dissemination in the Russian Federation is prohibited;

2) network addresses enabling to identify the sites in the Internet network containing information whose dissemination in the Russian Federation is prohibited.

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Internet & law